Sebastião Salgado

Sebastião Salgado Amazonas Images
“I hope that the person who visits my exhibitions, and the person who comes out, are not quite the same. I believe that the average person can help a lot, not by giving material goods but by participating, by being part of the discussion, by being truly concerned about what is going on in the world." Sebastião Salgado

Brazilian photojournalist Sebastião Salgado, born on February 8th 1944,
in Aimorés, in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, is a gem in the world of photojournalist’s. This is not because of his dedication to the field, nor his unique perception of events around him, it is instead his captivating images that make him a standout in the photojournalist circle. The absence of color in Salgado’s photos is what makes them distinct, and in a way timeless. These photos strip away all that is trivial or ornamental and expose the heart of the subject.

Salgado’s fame and recognition came later on in life after a change in career. Having gone to school at the University of São Paulo and earning his Masters in Economics, Salgado chose to abandon that career and pursue one in photography in 1973. He got his start in Paris, France, where he resides today. In the first few years as a photographer he worked for the photo agencies Sygma and Gamma. From there he went on to work for Magnum Photos in 1979 where he remained until 1994, after which he and his wife established their own photo cooperation still in operation today called Amazonas Images.

Though Salgado left his career as an economist, it is apparent that his prior experience in the field has played an integral part in his photographs. In his photos he conveys the toll that economic hardship has on people all around the world. The majority of his photos are documentary in style, many of which have been compiled into books entitled, Other Americas, Sahel: Man in Distress, Workers, Migrations and The Children. Much of his work, including some published in his books, have been used by various humanitarian organizations including UNICEF, World Health Organization, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner of Refugees and Amnesty International.

Known for his ability to the capture hurting, distressed subjects in this world, Salgado’s work will likely stand the test of time.


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